
Being a member of the Garfield-Perry Stamp Club includes a subscription to our newsletter, The Perryscope, that includes news of our upcoming activities as well as news of members.  You are welcome to attend our meetings whether you are a member or not, but we encourage you to join our club to gain that sense of camaraderie that comes with being an official member.

Garfield-Perry Stamp Club Application for Membership

Click here for a printable Application for Membership form.

Please include your dues payment with the membership application:

Annual dues:

$15 for Active members (Required for all NE Ohio Members and others desiring voting status) or

$10 for Associate members (Out-of-town members/non-voting status)

All members will receive the electronic version of Garfield-Perry newsletter, The Perryscope. For applications received January 1 through September 30, your initial dues pay through the end of the current calendar year. For those received October 1 through December 31, your initial dues pay for the balance of the current calendar year plus the next calendar year.

Mail your application and / or dues to:

Garfield-Perry Stamp Club, Inc.
c/o Kenneth R Nilsestuen
1000 Kingswood Dr
Akron, OH 44313-5921