Youth and New Collectors

American Philatelic Society Young Collector Resources
This includes a link to information about Young Stamp Collectors of America, a virtual youth stamp club organized by the APS.

Starting a Stamp Collection
It’s easy to start, but this site has some good thoughts and resources for you

Glossary of Terms
Linn’s Stamp News offers definitions of over 300 terms used in stamp collecting

Getting Your Kids Interested in Stamp Collecting
An article that helps parents encourage their children to take up stamp collecting

Exploring Stamps – YouTube channel (subscription available)
Graham Beck gets us excited about the most popular hobby in the world

Eight Things to Consider When Collecting Stamps
An interesting article with general information for stamp collectors

How Should I Store My Stamps?
A long illustrated article with helpful information about protecting your stamp collection

Conversations with Philatelists
A series of video podcasts where our hosts interview interesting people in this great hobby

Ten Guidelines to Protect Your Stamp Collection
This article provides helpful guidelines for all stamp collectors

Stamp Collecting Clubs for Kids
A Hawaii based site that helps adults get children get involved in stamp collecting. Past newsletters are also available.

U.S. Scouting Service Project
Helpful information about starting a stamp collection and earning a scouting merit badge for Stamp Collecting