From the President – February Pereyscope

Words of Praise for the March Party

By Howard S. Chapman

I just returned from attending the Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition in Sarasota, Florida. The show helps prove that collectors will support well-planned philatelic exhibitions.

Although there was a $5 admission charge, the show seemed to be well attended, and the dealers appeared pleased. I talked with several bourse dealers who said they were looking forward to our March Party.

It is good fortune to hear only praise for the March Party. It is great that many dealers look at the show—the 135th edition, set for March 14-16—as the standard of excellence.

As an officer of the Society of Israel Philatelists, I am pleased to report that Ed Kroft KC FRPSC FRPSL received the Sarasota literature competition Grand Award and Large Gold Medal for his article: “Ottoman Mail Service for Inhabitants of Jewish Agricultural Settlements in the Holy Land: 1882-1918.”  The article was published in The Israel Philatelist, Summer 2024.

Any Garfield-Perry Stamp Club member interested in making a Zoom presentation to the club should contact me. Your talk may be on any philatelic topic, and this is a great opportunity for our extended members—those living outside the Greater Cleveland area—to participate in a meeting. Talks should be approximately 40 to 60 minutes and would occur at an agreed time and date, other than a regular meeting night.

I wonder how many of our members have a fun collection in addition to their main collecting interest. This would be something you look for at shows just to not leave empty-handed.

Many specialist collectors are unable to find items for their collection/exhibit except at auctions or from specialized dealers. A fun collection can be any topic or items collected purely for enjoyment. If you enjoy it, chances are other Garfield-Perry members will as well! Share your collection at a meeting or on Zoom. The material does not have to be presented as an exhibit—it can simply be an accumulation.

Keep in mind that the March Party is fast approaching. We can use volunteers in many different capacities. You can help your club by giving as little as two hours of your time prior to, during, or after the show. Please contact Rocco Caponi or Ken Nilsestuen to help.

Philatelically yours,
Howard S. Chapman