From the President – December Perryscope

I hope that all of you have Happy Thanksgiving and are able to be with family and/or

The holidays are approaching fast and our club will be holding its annual holiday dinner at
D’Angelo’s Italian Ristorante in Twinsburg on Dec. 2. Details were recently emailed.
Please plan to join the celebration. Send Ken Nilsestuen your check directly at 1000 Kingswood Dr., Akron, Ohio, 44313-5921. D’Angelo’s is a different location this year.

More and more stamp clubs offer Zoom presentations. Garfield-Perry holds Zoom meetings
in July and August. It may be nice to also offer a couple of Zoom programs at other times. If you have the ability to present a Zoom presentation, please let me know. We will choose a convenient day and time for you and offer our members the opportunity to watch and learn. Each of us has different collecting interests and we can enjoy learning
from each other.

Please remember it’s time to renew your club membership for 2025. Dues are $15. Those who wish to receive the Perryscope newsletter via mail can pay $25.

You can pay at the Dec. 5 meeting or by mail to Nilsestuen. Remember to make time for
your hobby to help relieve the stress at this time of year.

Philatelically yours,
Howard S. Chapman